On Valentine's day, Grady turned one month old! It's hard for me to believe that he has
been here for a whole month, and at the same time, it feels like he has been a part of our family for so much longer than that! We feel so blessed to have him in our lives!
Last weekend we celebrated Sam's baptism! It was such a nice weekend, getting to spend time with my family. It was fun to take a picture of all of the boys together - they are going to have so much fun growing up and making all sorts of trouble together!! The picture of Landen with the two little babies, makes me laugh every time I look at it!!
One of the biggest regrets I had with Gavin was that we never got newborn photos taken. The first professional photos we had taken were at 3 months - and they change so much those first months! I'm really happy with how our pictures of Grady turned out!
This blog is intended to update you on the daily happenings of our lives. We hope that you enjoy watching Gavin grow and learn new things; I will try to keep it updated and current! We hope you enjoy!
In our home, love, laughter, family and friends are always welcome!