Wow - is April really almost over - where did this month go! We have been really busy moving this month. We decided to be economical and move off of the lake this year. We are renting a house just down the road - we're trying to get settled, but there seems to be a never ending assortment of boxes to sort through! eventually I'll get it all where I want it, for now, we just live happily in chaos! We are hoping to buy a house within the next year. Gavin is doing great - he adjusted really well to the new house. He's teething right now - and I'm convinced they are all going to come in at once - poor guy - that just cannot feel good. He's a busy little guy - always playing with something, his favorites happen to be expensive electronics - he loves my cell phone and Bryan's fancy remote control! He's not crawling yet - but hopefully soon - he kicks and scoots, but can't quite get up on all fours yet - eventually he will, and then I'll be wishing he would just stay where I put him! We went for a long walk tonight - had supper at the beach - we're not on the lake anymore, but thank goodness we are not far away. Gavin loves to ride in his stroller - hopefully we'll make good use of that this summer. It's so nice that the weather is finally nice enough to go out and about. I guess I better call it a night - just wanted to give a little update. Have a great week!
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