Wow - what a crazy month October was! We finally moved into our house - it's just so fun having a place to call home again! We all love it - although, Rigley isn't quite sure what to think yet, but I think he likes all the space to run. Gavin quickly mastered going up and down the stairs - and he's loving all the fun places to hide his toys! He had a super fun halloween, isn't he a pretty cute pumpkin? Tuesday night we took him to a halloween party at the church where he goes to daycare. He played some fun games, and we got to eat pizza. I had to work Wednesday night, so Bryan took Gavin trick-or-treating in Renville with Lauren and Ellie. I love that they get to spend time together, he adores those girls - how couldn't you - look how cute they are! I was so jealous that I didn't get to go with, but Bryan said it was so much fun. I was so sad to hear the next morning that someone had smashed my pumpkin. I worked so hard to carve it and make it perfect - and I didn't even get a picture of it! Grandpa will have to grow another one for Gavin next year. I better go and try and get some sleep, I've been up all night playing with tiny babies! Plus I need to get up early to finish packing for our trip! Hope you guys enjoy the pictures!!!
He is THE cutest pumpkin ever. Love you, Gavin!! Can't wait to see you guys tonight. Have a super fun time on your trip!
Oh he is such a cute pumpkin! i can't wait to see your pics from Disney World!!! have a great time and we'll see you on the 11th!
Love you!
Thanks for coming Trick-or-Treating with us Gavin, we had so much fun! Have lots of fun at Disney World, we are going to miss you guys!
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