Happy Easter everyone!!! Although it looks a whole lot more like Christmas outside, we managed to have a very fun Easter weekend. Saturday we made G's very first snowman! It's been too cold most of the winter to spend a lot of time outside, so he really enjoyed being able to play in the snow! Gavin helped push the snow into balls and then helped to level the snowman out, but then spent most of his time shoving handfuls of snow into his mouth and sayinig "mmmmmm"... must have tasted really good! I know I've said it a million times, but I am sooooo ready for this winter to be over - last year it was 80 degrees outside at this time!!!!
Anyway, after playing in the snow, the boys took a nice warm bath together... it was too cute. Grandpa and Grandma have towels with the boys' names on them, so they got all snuggled up together afterward... they are just so much fun! (at least when G isn't beating up Owen in some fashion... we're working on being more gentle!) Pretty soon O will be fighting back, then what's G going to do!
Sunday we spent a very nice day in Morristown with the Krause's where we had a great meal and as always great company, it was really nice to see them again. Just like last year, Gavin would not nap while we were at Arlen and Suzanne's.... it's just too much fun! But again, just like last year, he crashed in the car before we were even out of town.
He has had such a fun personality lately. He's been laughing and just generally happy most of the time. I can't believe all of the words that he knows; just last night he walked past his bowling pins and said "bowl ball mama" He just seems to be learning so much so fast - I just try to take everything in, it just amazes me! Can anyone believe he's going to be 2 in 5 months! I'm sure that will bring a whole new set of "fun" into our lives - in the form of tantrums, potty training, and I'm sure a few more tantrums! For right now, I'll focus on the daily hugs and kisses I'm showered with!