We had Gavin's 18 month appointment yesterday, and everything looks pretty good! He was so brave during his shot and the blood draw, he just laid there and smiled at the nurses, of course they raved about how cute and sweet he was... he has everyone fooled! We are still waiting to hear what his hemoglobin is, it was low a few weeks ago, so hopefully that's gone up and it's nothing to worry about. If I haven't heard by now, I'm going to assume all looks good. He's been saying a lot more words lately, and imitates EVERYTHING we do! He loves to help me around the house, especially sweeping. His new favorite thing is playdough - although I'm assured a tantrum when it's time to put it away. I should try and get a video of him dancing to post - it's hilarious! He did great with Grandpa and Grandma while we were on our trip, and I think we are pretty much back to our normal routine again - although I spend most of my day dreaming about the beach.... I really really hate winter.... I'm really looking forward to my upcoming scrapbook retreat - there's 11 of us going, and I'm soooo excited to have an entire weekend to try and get caught up! It was G's scrapbook that inspired me to decorate gavin's room... I'll post those pics next! Hope everyone is well!
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