Look at how cute they are wearing their ocean slippers! They all insisted they had to have them because the waves were cutting their feet up too badly - funny... although I think I'll have scars on my feet from tumbling along the bottom! This was the view from our room - BEAUTIFUL! We are back from our trip, and Bryan and I are both going through a little post-vacation depression... anyone remember that after our cruise?! I would much rather be on the beach than going to work! We had so much fun!!! Thank you so much to mama and papa Wulf... the trip was so relaxing too - we all got massages at the spa - heavenly! The top pictures are from the canapy tour we took - UNBELIVABLE!! We took 14 zip lines through the jungle, it was honestly the most amazing thing I have ever done - it even beat the waterfall in Jamaica and the sting rays in Grand Cayman! I want to go back just to do that again! It was so nice to spend so much time as a family. Bryan and I missed G, but we also really enjoyed our time together - that hasn't happened for a long time! Now I'm just excited to start planning the next vacation!!!
This blog is intended to update you on the daily happenings of our lives. We hope that you enjoy watching Gavin grow and learn new things; I will try to keep it updated and current! We hope you enjoy!
In our home, love, laughter, family and friends are always welcome!
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