We had such a fun long weekend! Thursday night, Bryan, Gavin and I drove to Brainard and stayed at "The Lodge" waterpark and hotel. We had 1 hour to swim when we got there, so we quick took advantage of that - they had a couple of big slides and a lazy river and then a fun park like structure for G. He had so much fun swimming and splashing and riding on the tubes! When we were finished, and drying off he just looked at me and with a big sigh goes "That was FUN!" We swam again on Friday morning after playing in the arcade. Then we headed off to Detroit Lakes to visit Krista and Shane. The weekend was filled with lots of Wii playing - even G joined in on some boxing and some Mario Cart! We had so much fun!!! We also got some swimming in at there pool and just lots of time with our family. The last picure above was taken Sunday when Gavin was teaching Krista how to "dance" - he insisted she do what he was doing... and being the good auntie that she is, she obliged.... too funny!
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