So far so good, Gavin seems to like his big boy bed! He did get up at 3 am for Bryan the other night while I was at work... but daddy didn't seem to mind. Last night, I woke up to a small crash (which I knew was my little buddy falling out of bed!) I went running in his room, thinking he was going to be upset and crying. Instead I found him simply crawling back into bed and lying down. I went over and rubbed his back and gave him kisses and all he said was "I fall" then rolled over and went right back to sleep. I also found books in his bed this morning that were not there when I put him to bed... he must have wanted to do some light reading during the night! I feel like this gives him a new independence and I'm happy the transition is going so well!
Makers Monday- Embroidery Patterns
10 years ago
Ha! Ha! Ha! I can't stop laughing! I just cannot believe how much him and Maggie act alike! Let me know if you want to know what will happen next, LOL!!
Gavin - I love you so much little sweetie. Please don't fall out of bed anymore (although, this post does make Auntie Laurie laugh out loud). Can't wait to see you!!
Owen says hi and sends hugs!
love you!
Hey Mer~~Love your new Blog look!!! I can't believe Gavin is such a big boy. The girls are excited to see his big boy bed!
LOVE THE NEW BANNER!! Way to bling out your blog! :)
love you!
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