putting out the cookies....

Gavin got to open one present from nana and papa on christmas eve - a little santa puzzle!

We had such a great Christmas this year! The 23rd, we had a sleep over with the girls and then Gavin and I got to spend all day Christmas Eve with them! We had so much fun jumping on the bed, paying hide and seek, making reindeer food and doing arts and crafts - and that was all before 8 am!! We also went to the kids gym and Target too - they were all so good and we just love spending time with Lauren and Ellie! Christmas eve we went to mom and dad's house and just had a relaxing evening. Nana and Papa helped Gav put cookies out for Santa, and when we woke up Christmas morning, Gavin was so surprised to see that they were gone! Gavin and Owen must have been very nice boys this year - they got some pretty cool presents! Gavin has asked me everyday if he can go to Nana and Papas and get more presents - I don't know if he can wait until Saturday! I had to work Christmas day, so we had Gavin open his presents at home and then we all took a nap! Having to work made us miss Christmas with the Peterson's the Hagen's and the Krauses, which made us all very sad. We will get to celebrate with my family Saturday and all the Wulf's the following saturday. I'm so thankful that both of our families are so willing to make accomidations to my work schedule, it's especially hard this time of year. Gavin was so fun opening his presents! We gave him a little kitchen set and he just loves it! He was so excited to open the "big present!" He started playing even before all of the paper was off!!! We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
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