Some days, I really wish I could freeze Gavin just how he is right now. I'm loving all the attention, the hugs and the kisses and even sometimes his complete stubbornness. I love that he can argue with me and tell me his opinion. I love that he can sing to me and that he can "read" me a story - his renditions are even better than the real thing. I just love that he knows what he wants out of his little life; i really want to encourage independence and confidence. However.... when we turned his "nursery" into an official "big boy room" I have to admit, I got a little teary. He's getting big, he's not a baby anymore, and that's a little hard for me to handle. He LOVES his new room - he even laid out on his bed the first time and repeated "I love it mommy, I love it!" He really wanted Hannah Montana sheets, but I think Bryan had a bit stronger of an opinion on that one! He's even sleeping through the night again... perhaps the monsters aren't a fan of the new look. I guess I better get used to all of these changes; but in the mean time, I think I'll go snuggle in that cool new bed with him!
Mer-yesterday after daycare Ellie said "I wish Gavin was here to play house with me...I really need him to be my little boy" It was so sweet!!!
oh Mer,
I got a little choked up seeing his big boy room too! He is such a wonderful little boy! Isn't it so cool how they amaze us every day. The other day I put Owen on a timeout for dipping his toothbrush in Griffin's water for the 8th time after i continually told him to stop(gross) and when I went over there to "talk" about it, he just wrapped his arms around my neck! :) awwwwww....little boys are so much fun! Give Gavin a kiss for me. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
love you all!
P.S.. his room is REALLY cute!
His room turned out so cute! It's hard to see them grow up so quickly. :( He's getting to be such a big boy!
love, Jill
p.s. LOVE that you found a place for the little artwork hanger I made for G! It looks so cute in his room! :) And his artwork is GREAT!!!!!
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