Last Saturday, Bryan and Brandon had a Twin study to go to at the U of M, so Gavin and I dropped them off, then had a playdate with my friends from college! It was sooooooo good to see my friends - I don't realize HOW MUCH I miss them until I get to spend time with them. I need to be better about just going and doing that - it makes me feel so much happier! Gavin and I met Bob, Chris and Garett, Alison, Kelley and Andrew at Granite City in Maple Grove. It was nice to have lunch and just hang out and talk. Anyone that has a toddler knows though, that you can't keep them in one place for too long. So, after lunch, Ali and I took Gav to the shops at Arbor Lake and just walked and talked and hung out - there was a small incident with losing a balloon that we had to deal with - but all was well in the end - and Gavin learned that when we let go of a balloon two times in a store, neither mom nor auntie Ali is willing to get it back - good lesson for Disney World I hope! We ended our afternoon hanging out in the children's section at Borders reading books. Gavin read (quite loudly) "Brown Bear Brown Bear" and we purchased Gavin's new favorite "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom." THANK YOU Alison for just spending that time with us - I love that Ali and I don't see each other for the longest time, but can pick right back up where we left off - I miss seeing her all the time - and I swear, I'm going to start being better at getting together. After we said goodbye, Gavin and I drove back to the U to get B & B - G passed out before we got to go back through the 94 tunnel - which he thought was AMAZING the first time - poor guy was so tired. I then took a wrong turn and put us in the middle of some construction - yuck - good thing I still remember my way around; and took advantage of the France Ave exit and convinced B & B that I needed to go to the mall! Gavin and I shared lemon cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and G got a thrilling ride on the food court carousal - what a great ending to a near perfect day.
Makers Monday- Embroidery Patterns
10 years ago
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