I'm just thinking today about what makes me happy - pretty flowers for one - these flowers lasted forever in my window - I smiled every time I looked at them! Sunshine, a nice evening run, Bryan's smile, Gavin's laugh.... just to name a few more. I had a very long weekend at work, and missed out on all sorts of things - like a pool party, a concert, and all that time with Gavin, I'm completly exhausted and can't get rid of my headache. But then I think about those people who are sick or have lost someone they love - and what do I have to complain about? I'm pretty lucky to have these people in my life - I really do know that! Today should be fun too - Gavin has a field trip at daycare today. They are going to water their pumpkins they are growing! He was so excited when he woke up this morning. Then I am going to meet his class at the park for a picnic then I get the whole rest of the day with Gavin! My mom and dad built a playstystem in their backyard (which Gavin refers to as his "park") so I think we'll drive there tonight and play a little bit! I was hoping for a nice hot afternoon so Gav and I could go to the water park - but it doesn't look like it's going to get there. Where is my nice, hot, sticky summer? I hope it's saving itself for our week at the lake coming up in August! We are also getting very excited for our trips coming up - I can't wait to go to Duluth with Bryan, Brandon and Sara this weekend - fun adult time! And the countdown is on for our trip to Florida. My mom has brainwashed Gavin... I was getting the oil changed in my car last week and a very nice woman was keeping Gavin entertained; she mentioned to him that he was a very happy child - and his reply? "well, Owen was crabby last week!" and she said well that's ok, sometimes you just have to be crabby - he looked at her with shock and says "nana says you can't be crabby at disney world!" Last night he really wanted to do a puzzle before supper and was getting really whiney about it - I told him to stop fussing and Bryan asked "what are you going to do in disney world?" he said "smile like this" and had the biggest grin on his face! He always talks about the buzz ride and how he wants to push the buttons! I think we are going to have a great time!!!! He's also been "training" lately for his race with Owen. He was so excited last night when I got home from my run - he kept talking about needing to run and how him and owen were going to win the race! He was a little concerned for me though - it worried him that I was breathing so hard I could hardly answer his questions - he just looked at me and kept saying - what happened? what happened? I finally was able to tell him that I just ran really fast and that I was just really tired. Then he bent down and started breathing heavy and says "it was a good run!" He's a pretty fun kid.
Makers Monday- Embroidery Patterns
10 years ago
Hey Mer...Gavin was so cute this weekend. He told me he wants a shark for his Birthday...not a soft one a "REAL" one!!! Then he said in his great animated voice "I'm going to Disney World to see the sharks...they are SO SCARY!!!" I love it!
He's so adorable and has such a great heart. Give him a hug and kiss from me!
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