Even though I had to work that weekend, we were still able to make it downtown Willmar for a little bit of the Holidaze celebration! Gavin L*O*V*E*S penguins, and when I heard they were getting live penguins for the day, I knew we had to find a way to get there - even if it meant sacrificing sleep. When we first got there, we saw the reindeer and Gav got to pet a little one - he loved it! Then we looked at all the other animals, but no penguins... so we watched them roast smores in the street and did a little shopping. I was pretty dissappointed that there weren't penguins like they had said... but when we were leaving a store, we overheard them talking about how cool the penguins were - Bryan jumped right in and asked where they were. They were just down the street inside - these penguins like to be warm... just like me! When we got there, Gavin was in a trance... he just loved them. He listened so intently to the woman that was teaching us about the penguins. He answered her questions, and was more than thrilled when he got to pet one! The penguin loved him just as much, she followed him around and coundn't take her eyes off of his hat! That made his night! After that, we got to decorate cookies, and meet santa - Gav told him he wants a skateboard for Christmas. We also got some fresh kettle corn and just walked around enjoying the atmosphere. It was a really fun evening!
Makers Monday- Embroidery Patterns
10 years ago
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