On Sunday, we celebrated the most important men in our life. Thank you to our dads for being there for us when we need you and guiding us along our way. Thanks dad for being such a great role model and always willing to help me when I have no idea how to cook anything! Thanks Gary for all the little (and big) things you do to help us get our house put together... Bryan's not nearly as handy! Thank you to all of Gavin's uncles who each bring something very special and important to his life - he is so blessed to have you guys to admire. And lastly, and especially - thank you to my loving husband, who is the most amazing father. You do so much for Gavin and I, and never with a complaint. I love how Gavin looks up to you - he is SO blessed to have you as his role model - you are amazing!
Makers Monday- Embroidery Patterns
10 years ago
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