We had a great time this last weekend, spending it with Lauren! Friday night, we all watched a movie and ate popcorn; then Lauren and Gavin got to sleep together! I was a little worried that they wouldn't fall asleep, but only 15 min after they laid down, they were both asleep - they looked pretty cute in that bed! Saturday morning, we played outside - it was such a beautiful morning, then we went to our favorite park in Spicer to play. Lauren and I then were dropped off at the spa for our pedicure appointments! It was Lauren's first pedicure, and I think she really enjoyed herself. I also surprised her with a manicure as well - she was pretty excited to get a jewel on every nail! That afternoon, we spent the day celebrating Lauren's 7th birthday - wow - 7 years old already! Gavin had a blast playing in the pool and having a water balloon fight with daddy and uncle Nick. Gavin even got to spend the night at Grandpa and Grandma's house - he always has so much fun with Lauren and Ellie!
Makers Monday- Embroidery Patterns
10 years ago
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