Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We had "confrences" at Gavin's daycare last night. It's kind of fun for us to see how Gavin compares to other kids in his class, and it's reassuring to know that he is up to speed with other kids his age. His teacher had lots of nice things to say about Gavin! She said that he is "very smart and good at solving problems." She also said that he always has a smile on his face and has lots of friends in the class. What she notices most about Gavin is that he is very compassionate. She said he is quick to hug someone that is sad or hurt and will readily give a hug and say I'm sorry when he has done something wrong. Ahhh... isn't that nice? He may look like daddy, but I think he must have gotten some of nurse mommy in him too!

1 comment:

lauriestrey said...

such a sweet little boy. I miss you Gavin and can't wait to see you at the cookie baking!

love you!

P.S. Owen send hugs!