Tuesday, December 30, 2008

mickey suckers!

Laurie and Eric brought Gavin a big Mickey sucker from Disney World!!! Thanks guys - he LOVED it!

Merry Christmas!

putting out the cookies....

Gavin got to open one present from nana and papa on christmas eve - a little santa puzzle!

We had such a great Christmas this year! The 23rd, we had a sleep over with the girls and then Gavin and I got to spend all day Christmas Eve with them! We had so much fun jumping on the bed, paying hide and seek, making reindeer food and doing arts and crafts - and that was all before 8 am!! We also went to the kids gym and Target too - they were all so good and we just love spending time with Lauren and Ellie! Christmas eve we went to mom and dad's house and just had a relaxing evening. Nana and Papa helped Gav put cookies out for Santa, and when we woke up Christmas morning, Gavin was so surprised to see that they were gone! Gavin and Owen must have been very nice boys this year - they got some pretty cool presents! Gavin has asked me everyday if he can go to Nana and Papas and get more presents - I don't know if he can wait until Saturday! I had to work Christmas day, so we had Gavin open his presents at home and then we all took a nap! Having to work made us miss Christmas with the Peterson's the Hagen's and the Krauses, which made us all very sad. We will get to celebrate with my family Saturday and all the Wulf's the following saturday. I'm so thankful that both of our families are so willing to make accomidations to my work schedule, it's especially hard this time of year. Gavin was so fun opening his presents! We gave him a little kitchen set and he just loves it! He was so excited to open the "big present!" He started playing even before all of the paper was off!!! We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

just for fun....

Sorry for the million posts in one night - just getting caught up! While I was looking through my pictures, I found this video I thought everyone might enjoy looking at again.... it just makes me smile! remember how cute and sweet he was?!?

too cute not to post!

Here's Gavin with his two best friends - Rigley is so good with him!


The snow kept us stranded in Renville for today, which meant that we missed my Rat Trap family Christmas (which made me quite sad and crabby,) but it also meant that we got to spend the day with my parents. Gavin helped Nana and Papa deck out the Christmas tree with Disney ornaments! He also helped them hang the Mickey and gang bells on the banister! Gavin loved them, but they might drive us all crazy by the end of Christmas! Gavin also got to open up his disney gifts from Nana and Papa and he got a STITCH!!!! He loves him, I think it might be his new best friend! We are so excited for our next trip - just think how fun Gav and Owie are going to be!!!!!!

Feliz Navidad!!!

Looking for the pickle!!!

even these three got to try some yummy frozen treats too!

We had a Mexican themed Christmas at the Wulf's this year!!! It was so much fun, making margaritas, having coronas, and all the yummy mexican food!!!! It wasn't the same as being on the beach, especially since there was a snow storm happening outside, but it was so fun none the less!!!! Lauren, Ellie and Gavin all put on a great dance show for us, and we played with all the fun new toys (which of course, they were all very very spoiled!!!) Gavin had a lot of extra energy - but he just LOVES being with Lauren and Ellie - so you can't blaim him for being so excited. We love spending time with our family too - love you guys!


Gavin was pretty excited to see Santa this year. We wrote him a letter - Gavin asked for play dough and bubbles, and drew Santa a very nice picture! We even got a letter back from Santa thanking Gavin for the pretty picture!! When we went to see Santa, Gavin ran right up to him and goes "Santa, I want a choo-choo train!!!" Quite a change from when we saw santa last year!! We are hoping this means he won't be afraid of the characters next time we go to Disney either!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

are you kidding me?!?

Wow - we had another very interesting day in the Wulf household. The fun never ends with a crazy two year old in your life. Gavin woke up this morning with his eye matted shut - so Bryan decided he needed to stay home from daycare today. I worked last night, so on my way home I made Gav a doctor's appointment for this morning. Bryan left for work when I got home. As I was finishing getting ready, like a flash of lightening, Gavin grabbed something from my bathroom and took off towards the living room. I proceed to chase after him, only to realize that he was carrying fingernail polish! Very quietly and calmly, I tried to approach him before he could open the bottle (I felt like I was approaching someone carrying a gun!) But Gavin is way too fast for me, especially after I've been awake all night long. As soon as I took a step toward him he had the bottle open and started shaking it - all over my living room floor and my new couch - it was all over both of our hands and on his clothes! Well, I had just used the last of my polish remover, and we were late for our appointment, so I took a couple of deep breaths, called my mom and just left. I'm sure the doctor wondered why we were both covered in polish - but I didn't really feel the need to explain. Oh - did I fail to mention that he picked the RED polish?!? Gavin said he was sorry the entire way to the clinic - but somehow I still felt like I am failing miserably as a mom. When we got home, I called the fabric care company who we bought a warrenty through when we got the couch - the lady very nicely explained to me that pretty much Gavin could have peed, pooped, puked or even bled all over my couch and they would have replaced it, he could have split any liquid substance on the couch and they would have cleaned it for me, but unfortunately nail polish is the only thing not covered. of course it's not - thanks Gav. I also called the professional furniture cleaners and they had no advice for me and were not willing to even come and try to get it out. So, I contacted our insurance agent, once again, unfortunately, personal losses such as couches are not covered under home owners insurance. So, on my hands and knees I went, scrubbing for an hour - the carpet looks ok now and a quick flip of the couch cushions and no one ever has to know what happened. I will however, have the evidence of my sons adventure with red nail polish... the fun really never ends!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cookies, Sleepovers and SNOW!!!!

Note that this is not a black eye, but Gavin's attempt at doing his own make-up!!!

We had so much fun last weekend being snowed in with our families! Saturday night we all got comfy and watched a movie and drank out of "fancy" glasses - some of us wine, others of us enjoyed milk! Lauren made a new friend in Drake and all the little ones got made over by Krista - I think Ellie thought that was pretty cool! Even Gavin joined in on the make over fun and helped do Krista's make up and got his nails done by Angi - pink and sparkly, which he is quite proud of! Sunday morning we had our annual cookie baking day - we made some pretty yummy treats this year! We were sad the weather prevented us from having the rest of my family there for the day - but the roads were just too bad to travel. Uncle Shane saved the day by fixing the gingerbread house - good thing he's so crafty! It once again turned out super cute - Lauren you did an AWESOME job! I love it as my table centerpiece - it makes me smile when I see it! My fridge got covered with art work made for me by Gavin, Lauren and Ellie - I just love it! The kids also enjoyed the snow - they did some sledding and made some snow angels. What a great way to spend a very snowy weekend!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Welcome baby "Zachy!!!"

We just wanted to take a minute to congratulate Danny and Liz on the brand new addition to their family! Zachary Daniel was born Monday morning and he's just perfect! When we went to visit them at the hospital, Gavin was completely infatuated with the baby - he kept saying "shhhh baby zachy, don't cry" and "open your eyes zachy - wake up!" Zachary got a tractor like

Gavin did when he was born, and Gav's response to that was "lucky ducky!" He was so nice and gentle with Zach, but when we asked him if he wanted a baby at our house he firmly answered "NO." We are so happy for Danny and Liz - what a perfect Christmas addition!!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Farmer Gavin

My dad took Gavin along with him in the combine, and Gavin became obsessed! He talks about combines all of the time, and whenever we see one, he says "look mommy - it's papa!" It's so fun that Gavin does things that like with my dad - I remember riding in the truck with him all of the time! Gavin is so lucky to have such loving Grandparents!


We have to travel back to October for the next two posts, we just got these pictures and they are so cute, I had to post them! Uncle Nick brought Gavin to see the firetruck in Renville, G even got to try on Nick's fireman's hat!!!! Thanks Nick - that was so fun for Gavin!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the {perfect} tree!

Note Gavin's very appropriate jams he's wearing... the truck is hauling the Christmas tree - i keep telling him that's uncle Nick's truck - but he insists it's Angi's!!! thanks for the jams nick, ang, lauren and ellie!!!

We are so excited about our "perfect" little Christmas tree! It looks so cute and cozy in our basement! Tonight, Gav insisted that he line up all of his Christmas toys under the tree and we take a picture! He is loving the season, every time we drive past houses with lights, he says "oooo mommy, look - it's Christmas!" The other day he saw a picture of Owen after he was just born and asked "is that baby Jesus?" I decided to start a new tradition and took G to pick out his own ornament for the tree this year, it'll be fun to see how his choices change each year. This year, he was pretty excited about the "little Einsteins Rocket ship" because it sings - so we added that one to our tree tonight!