Friday, March 18, 2011

techno kid

It's amazing for me to think about how different the technology is that Gavin is growing up with. He has no problem turning on the computer, navigating the mouse, finding, and playing his games. He knows exactly how to answer my phone, put it on speaker phone and have a conversation with someone, all while playing angry birds at the same time. He knows how to find and play all sorts of games on my phone without any help at all. They recently started using a computer lab at school, and Gav loves it! There is a specific program that they get to color different bible scenes, and he just thinks it is great. He was really upset the other day when we were going home, and his friends were going to the lab. When we got in the car he says "Mom, can't we just go to Computer Lab Dot Com?" "No Gavin, that isn't where that game is that you like, does Miss Lindsey put in a disc when you play the game? Maybe we could ask her what the name is and go to the store and buy it." His response was... "Oh man, it's probably at a store really super far away......... or Target." Ha! He's learned well, you can buy anything at Target! Also, the other day I asked Gavin if maybe one day next week we should take a little trip to see Landen, if Krista was feeling up to it. He wanted to go immediately. I told him we had to wait and ask Krista if that would be ok. His response? "Mommy, just text her and see what she says!" It really makes me wonder what else is going to be so different for him. What is the next new thing they are going to come up with?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

tricky little guy!

I feel like all I do is work work work! I am ready for winter to be over any time now. We're starting to get little hints of Spring, but it is definitly not coming fast enough for me! I just have another funny little Gavin story to share!
Last Sunday, I watch Gav go into my bathroom, shut the door, flush the toliet and walk back out. Here was our conversation.
M: Gav, I didn't hear the water run... did you wash your hands?
G: What are you talking about?
M: Did you wash your hands after you went potty.
G: I didn't go potty.
M: Gavin... I just watched you go into the bathroom and heard you flush the toliet. Go wash your hands.
G: that must have been dad.
M: (silence...)
G: Mom, that was just your imagination.
He trys to get away with anything... little stinker.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Saving babies is near and dear to my heart. I truly believe in the March of Dimes and their mission to have all babies born healthy. This year, I walk for Landen. Thanks to research supported by the March of Dimes, babies like Landen, born prematurely, get the care that they need. He is now a healthy, happy, growing little boy, safe at home where he should be!