Monday, January 7, 2008

One busy little boy!

" What?!? I'm not supposed to eat my paint?!"
"I'm going to get you mama!"
Gavin has been one busy little boy lately, he's learning so much, I just love watching his little brain at work. The other day he put his hand over the heater as it was blowing warm air, and looked up as if he was scolding me and said "OT - NO UTCH!" translation: Hot- don't touch! He really does listen when I talk to him! He's also been using his signing a lot lately too - he's gotten really good at "more" and "please" and will do "thank you" every now and then, but he gets that one confused with blowing kisses! He thinks everything is hot - and insists on blowing on all of his food before he'll eat it! He also seems to think our prayers are comical, he just sits there and smiles at us! He loves his new tricycle he got for Christmas, he climbs on up and insists we push him all over the house, it'll be nice when he can reach the petals! He also plays a lot with his tool bench, it amazes me that he knows for the most part what each of the tools does - must be a boy thing. He still loves music the most, and can pretty much dance in rhythm to anything you put on. He figured out how to turn the radio on in my room, so that pretty much plays all day. He has started going to daycare three days a week. After Christmas he made the big move to the toddler room, which he is really enjoying. They do a lot more activites, and keep them busy all day long, which is something Gavin really needs, or he'll bore easily. Apparently he hasn't mastered how to eat lunch at the big kid table yet, they tell us he gets up to explore all the time. I was happy to hear though that he naps really well in a cot, which I was a little worried about. Mom is really enjoying the extra sleep day too - what a difference it makes!

What a VERY Merry Christmas!!

Just hangin out eating some chex mix with Uncle Shane!
Wow - life got really busy the past few weeks, sorry I haven't updated this sooner! We had such a nice Christmas, it was so good to see so many of our family and friends. Gavin was sick the week before, but was feeling better just in time for all of the fun. We started our celebration friday night with the RatTrap family christmas. I feel so blessed to have such a close group of friends, and although I don't see them nearly as often as I like, it doesn't seem to make a difference when we get together - we had so much fun, and the food was delicious Kell! G also got to spend some time with Garett, who is just a few weeks younger - it was so fun to watch them play! Saturday we spent with the Wulf's and Sunday with the Hagen's - Gav was spoiled rotten - and loved every second of it, although I think he might have been a little overwhelmed - which toy to play with first!?! such decisions a one year old has to make. :o) He really enjoyed opening his gifts this year too, which was fun to watch. Monday was spent at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Eden Prairie. It was so nice to see so much of our family! By Tuesday, Gavin was pretty much Christmased out, we had a pretty low-key day trying to give him a little normalcy, which I think he appreciated after his 4 hour nap that afternoon! And we've pretty much been trying to get back to normal ever since. My new year was spent with a very ill baby, which made me appreciate my own blessings even more. It never ceases to amaze me what a miracle a baby is, and how tragic it is when something goes so terribly wrong. Most days I can't even believe the role I play in these people's lives - what a privledge - I just have to remember that when I haven't sat down for 10 hours and my head is spinning! I assisted at the delievery of twins last night - which was very exciting! I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas!